April 5, 2009

Galore acting strange

Just recently I decided to purchase one of the new portable video cameras.  My cell phone doesn’t capture video that well and I thought when some of the strange things that happen to me occur, I’ll have a camera to capture it.  So I purchased a Mino Flip HD Camera.

Already it has become useful.  My cat Galore does some funny things.  And maybe if I capture it on video I can win one of those funny video contest.  Who knows?  So anyway, Galore started acting strange (rolling around on the floor) on 3/31, so I quickly grabbed the camera and captured this:


That following Saturday, I’m at home.  I’m working around the house and noticing Galore looking out the window watching the birds eatting from the bird feeder.  Normally she just watches the birds and meows a few times.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Then all of a sudden she started making this odd chattering noise.  I had never heard her make this sound.  I looked out the window to see a bumble bee hovering just outside the door, where she was watching.  This was her reaction to the bumble bee:


Is this some strange language that cats have with bees?  She was found as a week old kitten in a briar bush outside a Starbucks.  Maybe she encountered bees there because the only time she’s been outside is when she’s with me on the back porch.

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