May 10, 2008

Songs for kids (last night) @ Smith’s Olde Bar


So I had made my donation last week and had my ticket/pass to the last night of the Songs for Kids concert at Smith’s Olde Bar. I had a family commitment, so I wasn’t able to get there until after 11. But since I had a guaranteed ticket, I figured I’d have no problem getting in. When I entered Smith’s I saw a line waiting to get upstairs to the venue, so I walked around them figuring I could show my ticket and go on up. As I’m passing the line of people waiting to go up, I hear someone yell out my name. It turns out it’s Patrick Lochridge, the piano player in Audrey Spillman‘s band that I had seen the week before. He saw that I had my ticket, so I told him I would see him when he got upstairs. With my ticket I got right in with no problem. They were into the final 20, so I grabbed a spot to catch the show. The night I got my ticket, they had announced that Ceelo (of Gnarls Barkley fame) would be singing the last song, “Hey Jude”. But before they reached the final 10, Ceelo jumped on stage to perform #77 on the countdown, his own hit “Crazy”. This was an unexpected treat. Other great performers were there. Levi Lowrey (who I had seen the night before at Eddie’s Attic) was there and performed Garth Brook’s “Friends in Low Places”. A neighbor of mine, Masonic lodge brother of my Dad’s, and co-owner of my favorite Pizza place in Tucker (Enzo’s), Kenny Creswell was there playing drums. Kenny’s company provides a lot of the equipment for concerts, so I’m sure he provided most of what was on stage. I even caught where on one song, one of the volunteer drummers didn’t seem to know the song, so Kenny went over the top of him (and the guy ducked out) and Kenny finished the song. Peter Stroud (Atlanta guitarist who’s tours with Sheryl Crow and who I saw perform with Shawn Mullins at The Variety Playhouse) was pulled on stage to help play guitar for a lot of the rock ballads. Angie Aparo sang Don Mclean’s “American Pie”. Shawn Mullins performed John Lennon’s “Imagine”. Butch Walker performed Night Ranger’s “Sister Christian”. The final song, The Beatles’ “Hey Jude”, was sung by Angie Aparo, with Kenny Creswell on drums, Peter Stroud on guitar, Butch Walker on keyboard, The group Heavy Mojo , and Backing vocal by Kevin Spencer and the Songs for Kids staff.

Words can’t reveal how incredible this concert was. If you missed it you missed out.

Video’s I found on youtube:

Ceelo performs “Crazy”:
Closer clip:

Angie Aparo performs Don Mclean’s “American Pie”.

Kiss’ “Rock N Roll All Nite” performed by Tim Smith. Peter Stroud, Kevin Spencer, & Kenny Creswell:

Night Ranger’s “Sister Christian” performed by Butch Walker, Kevin Spencer, Peter Stroud, Tim Smith, & Kenny Creswell

The Beatles “Hey Jude”
Part 1:

Posted by under Angie Aparo,Butch Walker,Ceelo,Levi Lowrey,Main Blog,Peter Stroud,Shawn Mullins,Smith's Olde Bar,Songs for Kids | Comments (0)

May 9, 2008

Darrell Scott @ Eddie’s attic

Last week, when I had gone to see Jess Klein, I got there early and was hanging out at the bar. Eddie was there and I asked him who the singer was that they were playing over the speakers prior to the show. He told me it was Darrell Scott, one of his favorite performers that would be performing on 5/9. That seemed like incentive enough for me, so I bought a ticket to the show.

I had planned to have dinner with friends, so I was hoping that I wouldn’t miss too much of the show. When I got there, the opening act was already performing. Levi Lowrey opened for Darrell and his performance was amazing.
Levi Lowrey

You never know what you might discover when going to see a live show. It was neat to see Levi as he seemed to be a huge fan of Darrell’s and seemed honored to be opening for him. Levi had only a few homemade CD’s (with handwritten song listings) which were sold out quickly. He could have sold a lot more based on the crowd’s reaction to his performance.

Darrell Scott

Darrell came on and was an incredible musician. I had not heard much about Darrell. From what I had read, he had written several successful songs that here performed by other artists. I thought he might play something I had heard before, but only played music he had released. Nonetheless his performance and musicianship were amazing.

Posted by under Darrell Scott,Eddie's Attic,Levi Lowrey,Main Blog | Comments (0)